Leveraging digital platforms for increased engagement
PARTNER/CLIENT: Citizens’ Independent Transportation Trust
LOCATION: Miami-Dade County
DATE: September 2015 and January 2018
FLICKR (or photo album): https://flic.kr/s/aHsksh9hri
Once every two years, the Citizens’ Independent Transportation Trust holds a Transportation Summit, a major conference featuring national and local transit experts. CITT considers the conference an opportunity for locals to learn about ongoing projects and engage in shaping the vision for transit improvements in Miami-Dade County.
As demographic and engagement preferences have shifted, the CITT team sought to reach and engage new audiences and diverse stakeholders who could provide important feedback on a variety of transit issues.
Enhanced engagement opportunities for in-person attendees and interested stakeholders who could not be present was clearly the need. By leveraging various technological solutions as well as simple non-tech strategies, the Urban Impact Lab team generated and implemented fresh ideas to increase the Summit’s reach and engage both virtual and in-person attendees.
Our role
Urban Impact Lab managed all community engagement for the Transportation Summit in order to successfully promote the event, manage in-person engagement during the conference, and increase engagement on digital platforms.
The project team designed and implemented a communications strategy as well as interactive engagement stations with feedback walls at the Summit. The Urban Impact Lab team also secured live streaming for the conference, curated a live Twitter wall visualization, and managed various social media platforms leading up to and during the event.
Results & Impact
Engagement of an online audience of over 410,000 users for the Transportation Summit.
Successful engagement of CITT’s target audience (48% millenial age group).
Increase of CITT’s social media following by 25%.
Development of comprehensive communications and engagement plan.
Development of 8 outreach partners to enhance promotion and engagement.
Management of real-time social media dialogue and live Twitter feed during the Transportation Summit.
“The level of engagement and digital tools incorporated into the Summit took the event to an entirely new level.” - Charles Scurr, Director, CITT
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